
OMDS Student Yuan Chen & Team Finished as Runner-Up in SIAG/FME Code Quest 2023

In a demonstration of exceptional talent and teamwork, the SIAG/FME Code Quest 2023 witnessed participation from over 100 teams from around the world. In the final round taking place in March 2024 with the top 5 competing teams, our OMDS student, Yuan Chen (Finance/VGSF), alongside his teammates from ETH Zurich, achieved the runner-up position with an honorable mention and 1,000 USD prize. Congratulations!
The SIAG/FME Code Quest is a programming challenge dedicated to solving mathematical and finance modeling problems using computational tools. Its primary objective is to inspire and harness the problem-solving capabilities of students around the world.


The competition invites individuals and teams to collaborate and devise innovative solutions that not only tackle real-world challenges but also advance the frontiers of financial engineering. By promoting teamwork, creativity, and practicality, the quest aims to create a vibrant community where diverse perspectives converge to engineer efficient and inventive financial solutions. The 2023 Quest combines two FinTech themes: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Automated Asset Management (RoboAdvising).