PhD Students in OMDS

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Jan Fabian Ehmke, Rudolf Vetschera

Research topic: Creating Combined Travel Services with Automatic Service Bundling

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Jan Fabian Ehmke

Research topic: Green Objectives in Railway Resource Management

Track: Statistics and Data Analytics

Supervisor(s): Nikolaus Hautsch

Research topic: Machine Learning meets Financial Econometrics

Track: Finance (VGSF)

Supervisor(s): Nikolaus Hautsch

Research topic: Essays on Decentralized Finance and Financial Machine Learning

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Christine Zulehner

Research topic: to be determined

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Jan Fabian Ehmke

Research topic: Modeling Complex Driver and Customer Dissatisfaction in Routing and Scheduling Problems

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Christian Tilk

Research topic: Combining Machine Learning Methods and Operations Research Algorithms to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems

Track: Finance (VGSF)


Supervisor(s): Nikolaus Hautsch

Research topic: Essays on Financial Econometrics

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Karl Dörner

Research topic: Dynamic Arc Routing with Multiple Disruptions and Real-Time (Sensor) Data for Efficient Winter Maintenance Problems

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Richard Hartl

Research topic: Logistics and Operations Research

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Rudolf Vetschera, Oliver Fabel, Dmitriy Knyazev

Research topic: Intra-Organizational Gamification - Incentive Setting through Adaptive Gamification

Ashim Dubey

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Alejandro Cunat, Michael Reiter, Paul Pichler

Research topic: Consumer Data, Productivity, and Trade

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Alejandro Cunat

Research topic: to be determined

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Jan Fabian Ehmke

Research topic: Collaborative Transportation for Attended Home Deliveries

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Maarten Janssen, Daniel Garcia

Research topic: Essays on Consumer Search with Refunds

Track: Management

Supervisor(s): Markus Reitzig, Steffen Keck

Research topic: Strategic Management

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Richard Hartl

Research topic: Share-A-Ride Problem: Models and Algorithms

Track: Management


Supervisor(s): Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki

Research topic: Family Firms’ Internationalization and Network Embeddedness Processes

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Oliver Fabel

Research topic: The Role of Verbal Cues and User Experience in E-Negotiation Platforms

Patrik Gorše

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Michael Reiter, Paul Pichler

Research topic: Essays on Loans Regulations

Manuel Gruber-Német

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Alejandro Cunat, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler

Research topic: Essays in Development Economics

Track: Management

Supervisor(s): Thomas Pfeiffer, Ulrich Schäfer

Research topic: ESG Information, Investments and Contracting

Track: Management

Supervisor(s): Steffen Keck, Markus Reitzig

Research topic: Organizational Structure and Strategic Human Capital

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Karl F. Dörner

Research topic: Prescriptive Analytics for Rich Vehicle Routing Problems in Solid Waste Collection

Track: Management

Supervisor(s): Markus Reitzig, Steffen Keck

Research topic: The Role of Diversity in Attraction and Attrition of Organizational Members

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Gerhard Sorger

Research topic: Essays in Dynamic Economic Analysis

Track: Finance (VGSF)

Supervisor(s): to be determined

Research topic: to be determined

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Karl F. Dörner

Research topic: Optimization in Chemotherapy Logistics

Borys Koval

Track: Finance (VGSF)

Supervisor(s): Leopold Sögner

Research topic: Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing

Track: Statistics and Data Analytics

Supervisor(s): Johannes Moritz Jirak

Research topic: Universality of AIC, FPE and Beyond

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Jan Fabian Ehmke

Research topic: Optimizing Last-Mile Delivery for Individual Customer Service

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Harald Fadinger

Research topic: Revolution at Home: The Impact of Work From Home on Wage Dynamics

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Richard Hartl

Research topic: Models and Solution Techniques for Labor-constrained Production Scheduling Problems

Track: Statistics and Data Analytics

Supervisor(s): Tatyana Krivobokova

Research topic: Detection of Change-Points in Mean of Gaussian Processes

Track: Statistics and Data Analytics

Supervisor(s): Moritz Jirak

Research topic: An Approximaiton for the Quantils of the Maxima

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Immanuel Bomze

Research topic: Conic Relaxations for MINLP and Applications

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Wieland Müller, Daniel Garcia

Research topic: Essays in Experimental Economics

Track: Economics (VGSE)


Supervisor(s): Monika Gehrig-Merz, Michael Reiter

Research topic: Essays on Heterogeneous Agents and Incomplete Markets

Track: Management

Supervisor(s): Christoph Fuchs, Aikaterini Makri

Research topic: Better Marketing for a Better World - How Marketing Can Change Individual Behavior and Profit Humanity at Large

Track: Management


Supervisor(s): Christoph Fuchs

Research topic: New Technologies: Their Acceptance and Societal Impact

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Website | CV 

Supervisor(s): Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Christine Zulehner

Research topic: Essays in Empirical Industrial Organization

Track: Economics (VGSE)


Supervisor(s): Monika Merz, Kirsten Wandschneider

Research topic: Essays on Macroeconomic Implications of Fiscal Federalism

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Rudolf Vetschera, Oliver Fabel, Dmitriy Knyazev

Research topic: Advice Acceptance of AI-based Organizational Decision Support Systems

Track: BALOR

Supervisor(s): Karl Dörner

Research topic: Integration of Warehouse and Delivery Activities

Track: Economics (VGSE)


Supervisor(s): Paul Pichler, Alejandro Cunat

Research topic: Essays in Monetary Economics

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Christine Zulehner

Research topic: Essays in Empirical IO

Track: Economics (VGSE)

Supervisor(s): Daniel Garcia

Research topic: to be determined