OMDS Finance Seminar (formerly Brown Bag Seminar)

External speakers in WS 2024/2025: Sapnoti Eswar (U. of St. Andrews), Andrew Winton (U. of Minnesota), Francesco Sannino (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)


Department members are encouraged to regularly present current research and research ideas at an early stage in the weekly departmental Lunch seminar. Occasionally, cooperation partners are also invited to present their work in progress. The seminar is organised by our post-docs. Students of the master's program in Banking and Finance are welcome to attend.


The Seminar Program for WS 2024/2025:


  • Speaker: Sapnoti Eswar (University of St. Andrews)
  • Title: Cross-border Patenting and Corporate Debt Capacity
  • Time: Wednesday, Oct. 9, 12:00 – 1 pm
  • Location: Seminar Room 6, OMP-1
  • Abstract: We use global patent data and exploit the staggered adoption of the Patent Prosecution Highway, a patent examination cooperation program to evaluate the effect of globalization of patents on debt capacity of firms.  We show that patents filed globally are of higher quality, and loans to patenting firms increases. This increase is driven by a reduction in information asymmetry in global lending markets.  We also find that firms obtain international loans in low-tax countries which leads to a lower average tax burden.  This lower burden creates a higher debt capacity for patenting firms.  


  • Speaker: Andrew Winton (University of Minnesota)
  • Title: Slippery Slope or Tip of the Iceberg? A Model of Detected and Undetected Financial Misreporting (co-authored with Xiaoyun Yu)
  • Time: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 12:00 – 1 pm
  • Location: Seminar Room 6, OMP-1


  • Speaker: Francesco Sannino (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
  • Title: Committing to Trade: A Theory of Intermediation
  • Time: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 12:00 – 1 pm
  • Location: Seminar Room 6, OMP-1