OMDS/BALOR Talk Series

Title: How beneficial is it to use IoT in the waste industry?

Speaker: Sanne Wøhlk, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, Denmark

The OMDS/BALOR Talk Series invites you to a seminar talk by Sanne Wøhlk (Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, Denmark) on "How beneficial is it to use IoT in the waste industry?"


  • TimeWednesday, January 10, 2024, at 3 pm
  • Location: Seminar Room 14, OMP-1
  • Abstract:

The presentation starts by presenting the results of a survey on the use of IoT in the waste industry in the Danish municipalities.

We then dive into a number of practical studies made in collaboration with one of the largest players in the waste industry in Denmark, as well as a number of academic studies. The presentation is concluded with some thoughts on what it would take to truly answer the question of the presentation.

  • Disclaimer: This is a quite practical oriented presentation without advanced math.